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11 décembre 2005

Nez en l'air - Naso campato in aria - in the air (3)

Nez en l'air - Naso campato in aria - in the air (3)    CN Tower, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2002)


J’ai eu envie de continuer ma saga “Nez en l’air”. Après l’Espagne et la République Tchèque, voici le Canada ! Cette photo de Laurent est assez originale, car je ne pense pas qu’il existe beaucoup de points de vue pour prendre en photo, à la fois la statue dorée et les 533,33 mètres de la tour (deux fois plus que notre tour Eiffel). La CN tower – Canada's National Tower, mais originellement CN était l’acronyme de la société de chemins de fer Canadian National – est l’un des emblèmes de Toronto. Mais on en trouve d’autre du même style, mais moins hautes, à Moscou (Russie), Shanghai (Chine), Auckland (Nouvelle Zélande) ou Seattle (Etats Unis).


Ho avuto la voglia di continuare la mia saga “Naso campato in aria”. Dopo la Spagna e la Repubblica Ceca, ecco il Canada! Questa foto di Laurent è abbastanza originale, perché non penso che esista tanti posti di vista per scattare in foto, insieme la statua orata e i 553.33 metri della torre (il doppio della torre Eiffel). La CN tower– Canada's National Tower, ma originalmente CN era l’acronimo della società ferroviarie Canadian National – è una degli emblemi di Toronto. Ma se ne trova altre dello stesso stile, ma meno alte, in Mosco (Russia), Shanghai (Cina), Auckland (Nuova Zelanda) o Seattle (Stati Uniti).


I had the idea to keep on my saga “Nose in the air”. After Spain and Czech Republic, this is now Canada! This Laurent’s picture is quite original, because I do not think that there are lots of points of view to take, on the same picture, the golden statue and the 1,815 feet of the tower (twice as tall as the Eiffel tower). The CN tower – Canada's National Tower, but originally CN was the acronym of the railway company Canadian National – is one of Toronto’s emblems. However we can find others in the same style, but less tall, in Moscow (Russia), Shanghai (China), Auckland (New Zealand) or Seattle (United States).
